Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Weirdest. Bunderspitz. Hike. EVER.

On the 14th,
my last full day at Our Chalet,
was scheduled to be the overnight sunrise hike,
and I was scheduled to go.
But then no guests signed up.
However, Katie Scales, is an amazing human and took me anyways.

So around 9 or so, Katie, Jess (summer Vollie) and I embarked on the first bit...
To the Cheesemakers.
We got there around 11 and sat for a snack,
and finally got snug into bed at 11:30-ish.

Then we woke up at 3 am!
We needed to be to the peak of Bunderspitz by 6:29 for sunrise.
About a half of the way there we stopped at a cow shed for a sandwich...
and to our surprise... we found a cat.
Not any cat, this is the same cat that hiked with us for about an hour and a half when we went to Kandersteg.

So we hiked on...
And the cat followed...
We arrived to the peak at about 6:20...
With the cat still there.
Our Kitty Cat friend and I on the TOP of a mountain.

On top of the peak we cuddled with our new kitty friend
and watched the sunrise.
As the sun was rising,
Katie signed the LAST points I needed for my Staff Challenge,
and she then proceeded to award me with my Staff Challenge.
I am the first staff to receive their staff challenge on Bunderspitz.
Receiving my Staff challenge from the same person who I received my guest challenge from 2 years ago.
We then ate some American candy, Sour Punch Straws, that Katie loves now.
American candy is the BEST hiking food.
And just before we hiked down,
we sang my newest favorite campfire song--Ocean.
It's one I picked up from Katie in 2010, and have been reunited with this summer.

It was by far one of the oddest mornings atop Bunderspitz,
but it was the BEST morning I could have asked for to end my Chalet summer.

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