my last full day at Our Chalet,
was scheduled to be the overnight sunrise hike,
and I was scheduled to go.
But then no guests signed up.
However, Katie Scales, is an amazing human and took me anyways.
So around 9 or so, Katie, Jess (summer Vollie) and I embarked on the first bit...
To the Cheesemakers.
We got there around 11 and sat for a snack,
and finally got snug into bed at 11:30-ish.
Then we woke up at 3 am!
We needed to be to the peak of Bunderspitz by 6:29 for sunrise.
About a half of the way there we stopped at a cow shed for a sandwich...
and to our surprise... we found a cat.
Not any cat, this is the same cat that hiked with us for about an hour and a half when we went to Kandersteg.
So we hiked on...
And the cat followed...
We arrived to the peak at about 6:20...
With the cat still there.
Our Kitty Cat friend and I on the TOP of a mountain. |
On top of the peak we cuddled with our new kitty friend
and watched the sunrise.
As the sun was rising,
Katie signed the LAST points I needed for my Staff Challenge,
and she then proceeded to award me with my Staff Challenge.
I am the first staff to receive their staff challenge on Bunderspitz.
Receiving my Staff challenge from the same person who I received my guest challenge from 2 years ago. |
American candy is the BEST hiking food. |
we sang my newest favorite campfire song--Ocean.
It's one I picked up from Katie in 2010, and have been reunited with this summer.
It was by far one of the oddest mornings atop Bunderspitz,
but it was the BEST morning I could have asked for to end my Chalet summer.
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